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Does anyone want to learn about the Hiatt system?

Captain Greg
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Does anyone want to learn about the Hiatt system? Empty Does anyone want to learn about the Hiatt system?

Post by Captain Greg Sun Apr 18, 2010 6:36 pm

I have been using this system for over a year with great success. Does anyone want to learn about the Hiatt system? 818842
Captain Greg
Captain Greg

Location : Coon Rapids, MN
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Does anyone want to learn about the Hiatt system? Empty Re: Does anyone want to learn about the Hiatt system?

Post by GoingPostal Sun Apr 18, 2010 7:48 pm

Sure, I have no idea what it even is?

Location : Int'l Falls, MN
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Does anyone want to learn about the Hiatt system? Empty Re: Does anyone want to learn about the Hiatt system?

Post by danreefs Sun Apr 18, 2010 9:10 pm

I like to know more about it.
Great White
Great White

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Does anyone want to learn about the Hiatt system? Empty Re: Does anyone want to learn about the Hiatt system?

Post by Patriot54 Sun Apr 18, 2010 9:45 pm

Why not
Lion Fish
Lion Fish

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Does anyone want to learn about the Hiatt system? Empty Re: Does anyone want to learn about the Hiatt system?

Post by Captain Greg Mon Apr 19, 2010 12:50 am

I converted three of my 215, 150, 125 gal to this system after 3 years of conventional system with a terible time with hair algae... I converted the systems to it 12 months and the result is out standing.

I am planning to do a 75 gal for my son and try to cycle it in 24 hours... I will report back soon when I get all the materials together.

If anyone got a 75 reef ready for cheap let me know. I am trying to get a 800W light for $325....I am still not sure to go with sump less and no skimmer...I am planning to go as cheap as possible. I have not found the high pressure 2000 gal pump yet, but will soon... I see some that are $300 plus... I planning some thing cheaper with efficient wattage. I have an old pump with fry motor but still under warranty and I might able to get it replace for free.

I will post the method basic principal and spec soon.
Captain Greg
Captain Greg

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Does anyone want to learn about the Hiatt system? Empty Re: Does anyone want to learn about the Hiatt system?

Post by Captain Greg Mon Apr 19, 2010 1:06 am

Here some info on methods.

One product in specific that he has developed is a natural occurring bacterial compound, Right Now Bacteria (RN), that increases the output of sewage plants by an astounding factor. In conjunction, Snake has developed a specific carbon, Tri-Base Pelletized Carbon (TBPC), that assists the RN to more efficiently convert Nitrates into Nitrogen gas.
The major qualities of RN are to rapidly convert ammonia (NH3+, NH4 OH, & NH4+) into nitrites (NO2) then into nitrates (NO3), in less than 24 hours, then vent the nitrates in the form of nitrogen gas into the atmosphere. This is all accomplished in a ONE TIME TREATMENT! RN totally works AEROBICALLY (living by oxygen) and is a scientific breakthrough. Besides these merits RNBacteria will also reduce phosphates (PO4) and sludge, consume hair-micro algaes and oil, is bio resistance to copper and eight heavy metals, safe for all fish and invertebrates, and is a non-pathogenic natural occurring organism.
The TBPC is a fantastic biological filter medium, thousands of times more efficient that bio-balls by volume, for any aquatic system. TBPC will support a greater population of bacteria than silica or plastic. For every cubic foot (12 X 12 X 12) of bio-balls there are 100 square feet of surface area. Granted, some bio-balls now contain 200 square feet of surface. Silica Sand has a surface area of 390 m2/gram. TBPC has 3 different types of carbon contained in one pellet and has a surface of 1150 m2/gram. This carbon has the greatest surface area/platform for bacteria than any material on the market. As a filter media and TOC, as long as it is not abused, the TBPC should last about five years. This is NOT the same as the adsorbing time factor, so please do not confuse the two.
RN and TBPC were designed to work in conjunction with each other. You can use the RN in any aquarium without the TBPC with good results for Nitrate control. However, the two working in conjunction together will result in a much stronger filtration system. The TBPC acts as a highly efficient biological media base for the RN Bacteria to do it's job for maximum results.
TBPC can be added to any type of filtration system, i.e. wet/dry trickle filters, sumps and carbon tubes. However, after much testing is is found that optimal results occur when a pressure vessel (carbon tube) is used.
One such pressure vessel was created by Dave Reindeau when he built his DIY Carbon Filtration Tubes after purchasing Hiatt's TBPC and RN. Dave Riendeau is, without a doubt, a very brilliant man. In my mind, he is the next Einstein lost in the Hinterlands of northern British Columbia. Months ago Dave and I briefly discussed the concept of using TBPC and RN in a "closed filtration system". Dave, the genius that he is, can picture in his mind a concept and a solution to a problem, make a few scribbles on a piece of paper, and wonder why no one else can understand it. The rest of us have to try to decipher Dave's "Theory of Relativity" and make some sense of it. Take a look at Dave's DIY Carbon Filtration Tubes graphics. For details of how to build this carbon tube system read my DIY Carbon Tube Filtration System (Revised Version) article. If you are not a do-it-yourselfer, Hiatt Distributors Limited does make pre-made carbon tubes
Captain Greg
Captain Greg

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Does anyone want to learn about the Hiatt system? Empty Re: Does anyone want to learn about the Hiatt system?

Post by Captain Greg Mon Apr 19, 2010 1:14 am

Here is some more information:

Aerobic Nitrate Reduction & Starting A New Tank
You must use Right Now! Bacteria and Tri Base Carbon for the 24 hour cycle and the conversion of nitrates (NO3) into Nitrogen gas (N2) to occur. Bio balls contain 100 sq.ft. for every cubic foot of plastic media, while silica sand has a surface area of 156 sq. meters per gram.

Tri Base carbon has three different types of carbon contained in the same pellet, for a total surface area of 1,050 sq. meters per gram.
Tri Base has a greater available surface for bacteria than any other media on the market. In addition, Tri Base contains available carbon which is necessary for the bacteria to complete the nitrogen cycle. The carbon is used as a permanent bed for the nitrification bacteria and will support a far greater population than bio balls, silica sand or others.
If kept clean by prefiltering water the carbon will not clog with fines and will last for five years before needing to be replaced. With Right Now! Bacteria and Tri Base Carbon you will see a significant reduction in cycle time. The amount of carbon necessary for this reaction to occur can be calculated with a simple formula. Multiply 0.1667 pounds of Tri Base carbon with the total gallons of water to find out how many pounds are required as a minimum. So a 50 gallon (200 liter) aquarium would require about eight and a half pounds of the carbon.

Starting A New Aquarium
Remove bio balls or other media from your wet dry chamber, and replace it with Tri Base Carbon according to the formula. Add Right Now! Bacteria five minutes before you release your fish into the tank.

After you have acclimated a light load of fish, release them into the aquarium. Make sure to turn off UV and protein skimmer for 24 hours. Do not put Metal Gone in the tank at this time. A good pre-filter (10 microns) will help prolong the life of the carbon. Add Metal Gone after two weeks in another part of your filter. The tank will cloud in the first 24 hours because of the bran flake used as a carrier for the bacteria. This will not harm your fish.

Captain Greg
Captain Greg

Location : Coon Rapids, MN
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Does anyone want to learn about the Hiatt system? Empty Re: Does anyone want to learn about the Hiatt system?

Post by Nannook Tue Apr 20, 2010 7:08 am

I watched the 5 part you tube video's on this. It does make sense. I tend to be cynical with first blush. My son in law says I am open minded, but not to the point my brains fall out.

Bottom line: for a 50 gal tank it requires 8.5 pounds of the TBPC (algae kryptonite) So how much in dollars per pound is this amazing stuff?
Lion Fish
Lion Fish

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Does anyone want to learn about the Hiatt system? Empty Re: Does anyone want to learn about the Hiatt system?

Post by Captain Greg Tue Apr 20, 2010 2:25 pm

Your looking at $60 for ten pound of carbon and RN Bacteria. Make sure you have the pump for it. I already send you my carbon tube design.

You just add 8.5 lb of carbon and bacteria and run it for a year. Take the carbon tube out and clean the carbon with the garden hose and put about 1lb of new carbon in and maybe another $5 more of RN bacteria. The your system is good to go again. After 4 or 5 years of it just spend another $60 of new carbon and bacteria.

The biggest up front cost for me is the PUMP and a small increase in electrict cost. I off set the cost by reduce water change to one time 20% water change every two months.

Here is where I get my stuff... http://www.memory-doctor.com/Aqua/tribase.html

Just get the carbon and the bacteria and nothing else. Not all the product perform as advertise. My self and other have not review all their product yet.
Captain Greg
Captain Greg

Location : Coon Rapids, MN
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Does anyone want to learn about the Hiatt system? Empty Re: Does anyone want to learn about the Hiatt system?

Post by Captain Greg Tue Apr 20, 2010 3:02 pm

Here is what I am planning for the 75 gal... No sump, Pre-machanical canister filter + Hiatt Carbon tube

I am thinking of no skimmer either.

used stand and tank maybe $150
Canister Prefilter $175
Hiatt stuff $ 100
Pump +2000gal/h $ 300
RO/DI filter $150
Plumbing $50
Rocks $0
Sand $0
Fish & Coral $300
Salt $ 50
Lighting (Halide & PC combo) $320 www.shop.aquatrader.com
Light Controls X 3 $30

Total $1645

That is the estimated cost. I am going to stay below that at all cost. As you can see the Hiatt filer portion of the total cost if tiny but add the Pump and the pre-machanical filter in. It is still less than the conventional system.
Captain Greg
Captain Greg

Location : Coon Rapids, MN
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Does anyone want to learn about the Hiatt system? Empty Re: Does anyone want to learn about the Hiatt system?

Post by obsessed Wed Apr 21, 2010 1:26 pm

This might be interesting. If I got this right the return to tank must be above water line. Isn't that noisy/splashy? Could you just run it into the sump and use an airstone for extra O2 and use regular return?

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Does anyone want to learn about the Hiatt system? Empty Re: Does anyone want to learn about the Hiatt system?

Post by Captain Greg Wed Apr 21, 2010 2:05 pm

If you already got over flow box, and skimmer and sump you might not need it. I did my other tanks and I had the return point lose to the surface and not on top. Also If you got the sump the you should have the return in your sump and avoid the splash in your main tank. You just need another pump to circulate your main tank with the sump.

I just found the 75 gal tank with drain whole already drill... I can either make an over flow or make a small hangon splash box for the return where I can put foam on it to keep it from making too much noise. The reason they want it to be on top is the bacteria produce large amount of CO2 which will need to be discipate via water surface exchange with O2... As an option you can add Calcite,oragonite, or coral gravel in the path of the return to discipate the CO2 and the added bonus of calcium and mag added to your tank. I did this to one of my tank and it help but does not generate enough cal or mag so dosing is still require, but at a smaller amount. To add more media infront of the flow path will need more power from your pump... I am not sure it woth the cost of extra pumps and power just to reduce the amount of alk dosing.

By the way don't buy their so call PH rock.... It is just calcite gravel (white marble gravel) you can get that at your local garden store in 10lb bags for really really cheap.
Captain Greg
Captain Greg

Location : Coon Rapids, MN
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Does anyone want to learn about the Hiatt system? Empty Re: Does anyone want to learn about the Hiatt system?

Post by Captain Greg Wed Apr 28, 2010 4:10 pm

Shopping update...

1) Got the 75 Gal and stand for $100 + $20 gas to pick it up
2) Got the full set of all size hole drills for $65 (Anyone need to borrow just let me know)
3) Got the Hayward Swiming Pool filter for $30 and now need to buy a $60 poliester filter for it.
4) Still shopping for light and Pump
5) constructing a new Carbon Tube/Canister Filter with lot of spare parts need to buy one item is the gridded drains 5 dollars parts.

budget is good.
Captain Greg
Captain Greg

Location : Coon Rapids, MN
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Does anyone want to learn about the Hiatt system? Empty Re: Does anyone want to learn about the Hiatt system?

Post by danreefs Wed Apr 28, 2010 5:44 pm

Captain Greg wrote:Shopping update...

1) Got the 75 Gal and stand for $100 + $20 gas to pick it up
2) Got the full set of all size hole drills for $65 (Anyone need to borrow just let me know)
3) Got the Hayward Swiming Pool filter for $30 and now need to buy a $60 poliester filter for it.
4) Still shopping for light and Pump
5) constructing a new Carbon Tube/Canister Filter with lot of spare parts need to buy one item is the gridded drains 5 dollars parts.

budget is good.

WHAT theres a budget in reefing? Why did no one tell me 3k ago.
Great White
Great White

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Does anyone want to learn about the Hiatt system? Empty Re: Does anyone want to learn about the Hiatt system?

Post by Captain Greg Thu Apr 29, 2010 11:03 am

Well, afew years ago one of the tank built almost busted me and almost a devorce. I got wiser and keep it in budget or else she cut the funding.
Captain Greg
Captain Greg

Location : Coon Rapids, MN
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Does anyone want to learn about the Hiatt system? Empty Re: Does anyone want to learn about the Hiatt system?

Post by Captain Greg Fri Jun 11, 2010 3:49 pm

Update, Almost got all the equipment for the build. Still waiting for light fixture and Rock from bulk reef.

One peace of news from the Hiatt system. I have three tanks running on Hiatt system for about 18 months now. The SPS coral stop growing and is dying.. LPS and soft are doing great. I talk to the creatator of Hiatt system and he told me to back off the carbon and bacteria and add more supplement and feed the fish more to add nutrient in the water. The bacteria is stripping nutirent and trace elements from the water and starve the LPS. I added a large block 1kg of SEA LAB 28 of cal and trace in the tank and also feeding the fish and coral more. Hoping to see any improvement in the SPS.
Captain Greg
Captain Greg

Location : Coon Rapids, MN
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Does anyone want to learn about the Hiatt system? Empty Re: Does anyone want to learn about the Hiatt system?

Post by Captain Greg Wed Aug 04, 2010 4:25 pm

Update, I also added amino acid and other vitamin and trace and it seem to work. The sps is recovering.

What it shown is getting the sizing of the filter right is important. Adding amino acid and other supplement for low nutrient system is a must for sps.

News on my75 gal build. In a week or so, I will be putting the tank together. I have been working alot and does not have time to do much of anything.

Got a new 75 gal tank for $75 at forestlake pet shop. Lighting fixture 2X250w MH 2X96w PC 4 moonlight LED for $325. Rocks Dry From Bulk Reef Supply 50 X $2.10 per lb. Sand got it free, Tank Stand Free, Hayward Pool Mechenical Filer $20 + $50 new filter element.

More next time
Captain Greg
Captain Greg

Location : Coon Rapids, MN
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Does anyone want to learn about the Hiatt system? Empty Re: Does anyone want to learn about the Hiatt system?

Post by Nannook Thu Aug 05, 2010 7:54 am

Congrats Greg! I need pictures
Lion Fish
Lion Fish

Location : Weatherford Texas, but my heart in in Duluth
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Does anyone want to learn about the Hiatt system? Empty Re: Does anyone want to learn about the Hiatt system?

Post by Captain Greg Wed May 18, 2011 4:59 pm

Sorry for the long time not being on the post.
Work was tough... as I was restarting my consulting business after years of working for the man. Also got a new baby at home...

Ok to my tank status
My other tank water is too clean. I am sick of putting too much supplement into the tank. I have remove all LPS and make it a fish only tank. No Algae. Fishes are happly water change every 6 months.

Back to the 75 gal setup.
I finally got the tank pumbing hook up. RO water is filling up the tank now. I am going to start out filling my carbon container with 2.5 lb of tribase carbon. I am not going to demonstrate the 24 hour cycle because it will take more carbon which, I do not want to do. I want to do a gradual build up of carbon to meet the need of SPS coral. The recommendation for 75 gal reef is 4+ lb of carbon. I will try to monitor N/P to make sure that is is not zero like my other larger tanks. Will get some picture this week of my 75 gal setup.
Captain Greg
Captain Greg

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Does anyone want to learn about the Hiatt system? Empty Re: Does anyone want to learn about the Hiatt system?

Post by Captain Greg Mon May 23, 2011 10:15 am

Start the tank last Saturday three hours before the swap... With new salt water, gravel, Eco Rock, Tribase Carbon and RN Bacteria. Added 4 small angles got from Petco and the girl at petco sold them thinking they were demosel. Got them for $3.50 each. When mature these guys should get as large as a medium yelow tangs. Added the corals I got from the TCMAS swap an hour after the fish. Tested the water, PH 8.1, Cal/Alk is good do to new water. No nitrate or Phospate... Did not have Amonia or Nitrite tester....

They recommend 24 hours cycle for this tribase carbon with RN bacteria. Well if this work, I will be breaking their record.

Fish eat everything offered in five min of releasing in the tank. No sign of stress. Coral open up 3 hours later.

Test the water for nitrate/phospate... nothing show up. Sunday at 11pm

Coral still doing good.

Hopping to see some trace of nitrate/phospate soon... Looking for low range. If no nitrate/phospate, I have to add more fish and add coral supplement.

Water is cold because the tank is in my basement. Ordered the water heater should be here tonight from BRS. That should speed up nitrate/phospate production in the water as the fish get more active in warm water.
Captain Greg
Captain Greg

Location : Coon Rapids, MN
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Does anyone want to learn about the Hiatt system? Empty Re: Does anyone want to learn about the Hiatt system?

Post by Captain Greg Mon May 23, 2011 11:32 am

I would post picture of my setup but, could not figure out how to load my pictures into this forum.
Captain Greg
Captain Greg

Location : Coon Rapids, MN
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Does anyone want to learn about the Hiatt system? Empty Re: Does anyone want to learn about the Hiatt system?

Post by Captain Greg Mon May 23, 2011 11:48 am

Does anyone want to learn about the Hiatt system? Photo114

Home made bio filter from large PVC pipes. Complicated pipes work and valves are for back flushing/cleaning the media without taking it out of the container.

Does anyone want to learn about the Hiatt system? Photo213

Tank with two one inch returns on the top and a 3 inch line to the dart pump sitting behind the rocks.

Does anyone want to learn about the Hiatt system? Photo410

Hayward swiming pool filter used as pre machenical filter.

Love the Dart Pump Supper quiet and powerfull with low power comsumption.

Last edited by Captain Greg on Wed May 25, 2011 1:08 pm; edited 1 time in total
Captain Greg
Captain Greg

Location : Coon Rapids, MN
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Does anyone want to learn about the Hiatt system? Empty Re: Does anyone want to learn about the Hiatt system?

Post by Captain Greg Mon May 23, 2011 11:49 am

Oh, This setup is for my six year old son. standing in front of the tank.
Captain Greg
Captain Greg

Location : Coon Rapids, MN
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Does anyone want to learn about the Hiatt system? Empty Re: Does anyone want to learn about the Hiatt system?

Post by GoingPostal Mon May 23, 2011 1:39 pm

What kind of angels did you get? Good deal on them no matter what.

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Does anyone want to learn about the Hiatt system? Empty Re: Does anyone want to learn about the Hiatt system?

Post by Captain Greg Tue May 24, 2011 11:33 am

Not sure, I got to look...
Captain Greg
Captain Greg

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