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Pesty coral control

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Pesty coral control Empty Pesty coral control

Post by blennieluvr Mon May 10, 2010 2:40 pm

My battle is not with aptasia. Mine is with blue clove polyps and green palys. Here are some attack methods that we gathered from other reefers or figured out on our own. I hope it helps someone else out!

1) Putty any patch of blue clove polyps upon discovery ASAP.
2) Needle nose thingy the green palys. You can actually pull them right off and discard. Jason suggested this. I used to kalk paste and all it did was slow them down a little.
3) I took out my brain coral this weekend and applied super glue gel to the back of it where a nice patch of blue cloves was keeping the clove population alive and well in the tank. I think it worked! (Thanks Phil for this suggestion! Took me awhile to get brave or desperate enough to try it.)
4) Last but not least, I found a patch of blue cloves I couldn't get to easily and large enough that it would be hard to putty. Jason thought to put my aggressive acan over the patch and let it do the work for us. (This was based on it's history in our tank of taking out two other corals! Evil or Very Mad ) The next day, there were only a few survivors. I moved the acan over a little to, hopefully, take the rest out!

If anyone has anything else to add, that would be great!

Location : Bemidji, MN
Number of posts : 2896

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Pesty coral control Empty Re: Pesty coral control

Post by GoingPostal Mon May 10, 2010 4:31 pm

You forgot 5) Trade them to Tiffany. Here I am placing the cloves in different parts of my tank trying to get them to spread. They are all doing great but not really growing yet. Was it your acan enchinata you were using?

Location : Int'l Falls, MN
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Pesty coral control Empty Re: Pesty coral control

Post by obsessed Mon May 10, 2010 5:29 pm

Ditto Tiffany. mine are fine but not exactly setting the tank on fire! What do you feed them Cammie?!?

Location : Sebeka
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Pesty coral control Empty Re: Pesty coral control

Post by blennieluvr Mon May 10, 2010 7:42 pm

I think I had an explosion of those darn cloves. I keep finding small patches all over the tank. So sad. I am not sure what the one I was using to kill them off is called. I tried to post a pic of it but it has been so long that I forgot how. It's purple with orange and green in it.

I'm glad you guys like them and I hope you don't eve hate me because of them.

Location : Bemidji, MN
Number of posts : 2896

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Pesty coral control Empty Re: Pesty coral control

Post by blennieluvr Sat May 15, 2010 9:31 pm

Update - I see there's some poking out from under the glue on my brain's underside. I guess I'm going to have to go back in!

Location : Bemidji, MN
Number of posts : 2896

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Pesty coral control Empty Re: Pesty coral control

Post by danreefs Sat May 15, 2010 10:00 pm

lol how do i kill xenia Pesty coral control Icon_twisted
Great White
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Pesty coral control Empty Re: Pesty coral control

Post by blennieluvr Sun May 16, 2010 12:04 am

FLUSH IT! LOL Honestly though, it really isn't so bad when it's just on your overflow. It'd be the same on the glass too. Then, you can just scrape if off when you want to.

Location : Bemidji, MN
Number of posts : 2896

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Pesty coral control Empty Re: Pesty coral control

Post by icereefer Sun May 16, 2010 10:26 am

The # one way to get rid of xenia is to never put it in your tank in the first place......LOL.
Hippo tangs are known to slowly take out xenia and clove polyps at least the one Vishnu had did.
Great White
Great White

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Pesty coral control Empty Re: Pesty coral control

Post by blennieluvr Sun May 16, 2010 12:26 pm

If you can't do any of the above, take the rock out and let it die off.

Location : Bemidji, MN
Number of posts : 2896

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