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Anomone issue

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Anomone issue Empty Anomone issue

Post by Dedex Fri May 16, 2008 10:53 am

We have a RBTA. Up until yesterday it was thriving wonderfully. My hubby went into the tank with some kalk paste to kill off some aptasia, and the anemone consumed some of the overspray. It has looked horrid since. I know aptasia is similar to an anemone, so have we hurt the RBTA? It turned itself completely in, and this morning was still the same way, with just one or two tenticles peeking out but it looked pretty sad. What, if anything can I do to help it revive/survive?


Location : Greenbush, MN
Number of posts : 164
Age : 52

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Anomone issue Empty Re: Anomone issue

Post by Mn. reef crzy Fri May 16, 2008 8:25 pm

water change

Mn. reef crzy

Location : Grand Rapids, MN
Number of posts : 1169
Age : 42

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Anomone issue Empty Re: Anomone issue

Post by Home_Depot Fri May 16, 2008 11:03 pm

Mine has went into it self before for a day and it came out of it I would do what Andre said and do a water change and see if that will help but I am sure it will come out of it

Location : Bemidji,MN
Number of posts : 1946
Age : 48


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Anomone issue Empty RBTA

Post by Guest Fri Sep 12, 2008 11:42 pm

I stressed mine during a move and it did that then when it came back out it had started to split.. Over the next couple of days it turned into a red slime pile with minimal tentacle extension and spread and then after about a week turned into to small anemones and had to regrow to previous size ... I would just make sure the light cycle stays the same and keep water perameters upto par with water changes and such mine fouled the water quite a bit and I did 5 gallons daily on my 75 display/30 sump setup and just mad sure my skimmer was running top notch ... Let me know what happens as for my RBTA's One happily resides in my tank and the other was relocated to MadMans tank without further splitting Very Happy


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Anomone issue Empty Re: Anomone issue

Post by Dedex Tue Sep 30, 2008 2:28 pm

The RBTA came out of it after about 2 days. SInce then, it has disappeared, and is believed to be dead. It has been gone for aboutt three weeks now. I saw it move one morning, and then it was gone...haven't seen it since. SO SAD!! I am wondering if it got too close to the water suction and ended up being pulverized - I guess i will never know! Sad


Location : Greenbush, MN
Number of posts : 164
Age : 52

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