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Say hello to my litte clown tang

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Say hello to my litte clown tang Empty Say hello to my litte clown tang

Post by danreefs Sat Jan 09, 2010 10:08 pm

Thanks Mary he is looking good.
Say hello to my litte clown tang 100_3410

Say hello to my litte clown tang 100_3414
Great White
Great White

Location : brainerd
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Say hello to my litte clown tang Empty Re: Say hello to my litte clown tang

Post by tinkerman Sat Jan 09, 2010 10:46 pm

Very nice looking. do you know where yours came from. Mine is indoneasan spelt wrong I know.

Lion Fish
Lion Fish

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Say hello to my litte clown tang Empty Re: Say hello to my litte clown tang

Post by danreefs Sat Jan 09, 2010 10:47 pm

tinkerman wrote:Very nice looking. do you know where yours came from. Mine is indoneasan spelt wrong I know.

Not sure i will have to ask Mary.
Great White
Great White

Location : brainerd
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Age : 51

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Say hello to my litte clown tang Empty Re: Say hello to my litte clown tang

Post by GoingPostal Sun Jan 10, 2010 1:58 am

I heard those can get to be nasty buggers, they are very pretty though. How's he behaving so far?

Location : Int'l Falls, MN
Number of posts : 1479
Age : 38

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Say hello to my litte clown tang Empty Re: Say hello to my litte clown tang

Post by plnelson Sun Jan 10, 2010 2:25 am

Sweet. I like clown tangs a lot.

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Say hello to my litte clown tang Empty Re: Say hello to my litte clown tang

Post by danreefs Sun Jan 10, 2010 11:16 am

GoingPostal wrote:I heard those can get to be nasty buggers, they are very pretty though. How's he behaving so far?
So far so good. He just picks at the LR all day.
Great White
Great White

Location : brainerd
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Age : 51

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Say hello to my litte clown tang Empty Re: Say hello to my litte clown tang

Post by Plankt0s Sun Jan 10, 2010 4:43 pm

He looks really healthy. Nice.
Peppermint Shrimp
Peppermint Shrimp

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Say hello to my litte clown tang Empty Re: Say hello to my litte clown tang

Post by danreefs Thu Feb 18, 2010 9:59 pm

Will my tang is sick and lot looking to good . He is getting a litte slim and i do not why.
Great White
Great White

Location : brainerd
Number of posts : 1516
Age : 51

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Say hello to my litte clown tang Empty Re: Say hello to my litte clown tang

Post by GoingPostal Thu Feb 18, 2010 11:11 pm

How much are you feeding? How often? Could be parasites if you are feeding like crazy.

Location : Int'l Falls, MN
Number of posts : 1479
Age : 38

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Say hello to my litte clown tang Empty Re: Say hello to my litte clown tang

Post by icereefer Fri Feb 19, 2010 12:16 am

yeah there's a lot of fish I would love to get but I know there behavior and just don't take the chance.
When I lived back home in Calif we built a Plywood sided 340 gal tank and we had a couple cuddlefish,which was cool to feed them stone crabs we'd catch at the beach. but also we had a Clown surgeonfish.a Sohal surgeonfish,and a whitecheek Surgeonfish all did great for about 3 year one day came home from work and the clown what dead 2 weeks later the Sohal was dead too they all started fighting for territory and the whitecheek won and that was in a 340 gal tank.figured they had prenty of there own space, in most cases when you put Tangs together you don't realize it but you add a fuse to them and some day it could go off. and when your tangs are about 8" + you should see what damage they can do to another tang Looks like a Ninja fight...LOL
Great White
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Say hello to my litte clown tang Empty Re: Say hello to my litte clown tang

Post by danreefs Fri Feb 19, 2010 5:26 pm

Well he did not make it. Thats 4 tangs now WTF I cant win with tangs
Great White
Great White

Location : brainerd
Number of posts : 1516
Age : 51

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Say hello to my litte clown tang Empty Re: Say hello to my litte clown tang

Post by GoingPostal Fri Feb 19, 2010 5:45 pm

That sucks. You guys have me scared of tangs, between Garrett and you. I had planned on maybe a kole but I think I will just add a couple smaller fish instead. All of the tangs I really like get way too big for my tank.

Location : Int'l Falls, MN
Number of posts : 1479
Age : 38

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