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algae magnets

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algae magnets Empty algae magnets

Post by Patriot54 Sat Dec 26, 2009 1:01 am

can you use any magnet for in side the tank use?
Lion Fish
Lion Fish

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algae magnets Empty Re: algae magnets

Post by blennieluvr Sat Dec 26, 2009 1:07 am

I think it needs to be sealed. There are some threads on TCMAS that Phil initiated on this very subject I think. Maybe he'll chime in.

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algae magnets Empty Re: algae magnets

Post by cdness Mon Jan 11, 2010 1:58 pm

Epoxy Coated magnets are the way to go unless you want to encase them yourself. I bought some regular Neodymium (SP?) magnets and encased them with epoxy into pop caps to mag magnetic rocks for the back wall of my tank. It worked pretty well but would have been easier with already coated magnets...
Great White
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