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detritus CUC

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detritus CUC Empty detritus CUC

Post by blennieluvr Fri May 28, 2010 12:23 pm

I'm looking for opinions about CUC for detritus before the BlueZoo order goes in. It seems I just can't get enough flow to keep junk from settling on my rockwork and sand bed. My sand bed is too fine but I really don't want to take everything down and redo. So, it limits my flow options. Too much flow = large sand storm! I'm running a K4 and K3, a modded MP1200 and the sump return for water flow. I turkey baste the rocks often and siphon off the sandbed each week with my w/c. But, maybe there's more I can do with CUC? Sandsifting star didn't last in my tank so I'm not going down that road again. I'm afraid of the sandsifting gobies because I have LPS sitting on the sandbed that I don't want them throwing sand all over. I read good reports on these guys though. I'm also afraid of cucumbers due to risk of toxins (although I'm leaning more toward a tiger tail currently over above mentioned options).

Then, rockwork, what type of snails/hermits work best for gray matter hanging off and sitting on rocks? I hate hermits. I hope someone won't tell me they are the solution! And, how to get enough without going overboard so they don't eat everything up and die off? It seems cerith snails come highly recommended by BlueZoo and LiveAquaria for detritus appetites but I haven't been too impressed with them myself. Maybe I've not had enough of the tiny little buggers?

Please give me your opinion on CUC choices or other maintenance strategy I could employ or let me know what has worked best for you. THANKS! (I should also note that recently, I have cut back quite a bit on feeding to aid this problem. I feed only every third day and a smaller quantity than I used to. Everything in the tank still looks pretty healthy and has nice color so far.) Probably could wet skim a bit more than I have been too.

Currently, this is what's left for CUC in my 75 gallon tank w/

2 fighting conchs
cleaner shrimp
1 emerald crab (possibly 2)
10? trochus snails
3? tonga nass snails
6? nass snails
handful of cerith and nerites
pom-pom crab (still in there....occasionally we're treated to a quick glimpse)
serpent star

Location : Bemidji, MN
Number of posts : 2896

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detritus CUC Empty Re: detritus CUC

Post by GoingPostal Fri May 28, 2010 12:30 pm

No idea but any problems with your pom pom's nem stinging anything? I love them and thought about putting a couple in my nano.

Location : Int'l Falls, MN
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detritus CUC Empty Re: detritus CUC

Post by blennieluvr Fri May 28, 2010 12:43 pm

I haven't noticed the little pom pom nems to be an issue but we don't see him often in our tank. I should give him to you as you'd see it more in a nano but I like him too much!

I should note too...we don't have algae problems and corals/fish seem to be doing well. Do have phosphates in the tank (tests range from 0 - .25 from Dec till now) and started adding charcoal to the filter sock a month or so ago. I plan to run it for a week once a month.

I just hate knowing the detritus is there and wonder if it will become more of a problem if I can't control it more. Many of you have seen my tank and know that I have been working on this for quite some time. It is better than it used to be but still not as good as I'd like it. Sigh.....

Location : Bemidji, MN
Number of posts : 2896

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detritus CUC Empty Re: detritus CUC

Post by t-bass Fri May 28, 2010 7:58 pm

Have you ever tried a sally lightfoot? (probably not if you hate crabs) I have one and it constantly is picking at the rock. Haven' t had any collateral damage either. Or how about a tuxedo urchin. I think they mostly graze on algae, but they also clean up rock real well. I have 2 and wouldn't go without them. I also have about 20 hermits but I happen to not mind them so much. detritus CUC Icon_pirat

Location : Bigfork,MN
Number of posts : 57
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detritus CUC Empty Re: detritus CUC

Post by t-bass Fri May 28, 2010 8:01 pm

p.s. do you use gfo?

Location : Bigfork,MN
Number of posts : 57
Age : 51

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detritus CUC Empty Re: detritus CUC

Post by blennieluvr Sun May 30, 2010 12:38 pm

Haven't went down the GFO road yet. Maybe it's time to try. I had an urchin and had trouble with it getting big and knocking over rocks, etc. We do have a more secure aquascape now though. I thought they were mostly herbivores and for detritus, wouldn't I need more carni or omnivores? I don't mind emerald crabs as they don't take out other livestock. Hermits are opportunistic and eat the other janitors! Thanks for the tips. I'll keep those both on my tentative wishlist.

Location : Bemidji, MN
Number of posts : 2896

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detritus CUC Empty Re: detritus CUC

Post by t-bass Sun May 30, 2010 2:43 pm

If you go with a sand -sifting goby, I would recommend the orange spotted over the yellow- headed. I have had both and the orange does not create a mess at all compared to the other. I wouldn't go without my orange spot, even thinking about getting another...good luck

Location : Bigfork,MN
Number of posts : 57
Age : 51

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detritus CUC Empty Re: detritus CUC

Post by danreefs Sun May 30, 2010 3:02 pm

What about a http://www.bluezooaquatics.com/productDetail.asp?did=2&pid=1090&cid=76 Jake at DA tells me thay rock.
Great White
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detritus CUC Empty Re: detritus CUC

Post by tinkerman Sun May 30, 2010 3:38 pm

I have a orange spooted sleeper goby. He does a great job. He has one rock he will cover in sand other than that he does fine. After taking all the sand out of the sump I am amzed at how much stuff collects down there and started siphoning it out weekly.

Lion Fish
Lion Fish

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detritus CUC Empty Re: detritus CUC

Post by blennieluvr Sun May 30, 2010 10:01 pm

danreefs wrote:What about a http://www.bluezooaquatics.com/productDetail.asp?did=2&pid=1090&cid=76 Jake at DA tells me thay rock.

I am leaning toward trying one of these actually. I'm hoping that it won't slowly strip my sandbed and die off like my sand sifting star did. Anyone have any experience with them that can tell me if that is a concern? Will need to be especially careful acclimating.

Location : Bemidji, MN
Number of posts : 2896

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detritus CUC Empty Re: detritus CUC

Post by t-bass Sun May 30, 2010 10:09 pm

tinkerman wrote:I have a orange spooted sleeper goby. He does a great job. He has one rock he will cover in sand other than that he does fine. After taking all the sand out of the sump I am amzed at how much stuff collects down there and started siphoning it out weekly.
That is a good idea -may have to give it a try. My orange spot is one of my favorite fish. It is fun to watch him prepare his sleeping spot before lights out and then dive under the sand for the night detritus CUC Icon_biggrin

Location : Bigfork,MN
Number of posts : 57
Age : 51

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detritus CUC Empty Re: detritus CUC

Post by t-bass Sun May 30, 2010 10:13 pm

blennieluvr wrote:
danreefs wrote:What about a http://www.bluezooaquatics.com/productDetail.asp?did=2&pid=1090&cid=76 Jake at DA tells me thay rock.

I am leaning toward trying one of these actually. I'm hoping that it won't slowly strip my sandbed and die off like my sand sifting star did. Anyone have any experience with them that can tell me if that is a concern? Will need to be especially careful acclimating.
Never tried one. They make make me nervous about that toxin releasing stuff.

Location : Bigfork,MN
Number of posts : 57
Age : 51

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detritus CUC Empty Re: detritus CUC

Post by danreefs Sun May 30, 2010 10:48 pm

t-bass wrote:
blennieluvr wrote:
danreefs wrote:What about a http://www.bluezooaquatics.com/productDetail.asp?did=2&pid=1090&cid=76 Jake at DA tells me thay rock.

I am leaning toward trying one of these actually. I'm hoping that it won't slowly strip my sandbed and die off like my sand sifting star did. Anyone have any experience with them that can tell me if that is a concern? Will need to be especially careful acclimating.
Never tried one. They make make me nervous about that toxin releasing stuff.

The link to the one i put has no toxin detritus CUC 818842 when thay die
Great White
Great White

Location : brainerd
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detritus CUC Empty Re: detritus CUC

Post by blennieluvr Mon May 31, 2010 12:39 am

Those ones can emit toxins, I believe. They're just not as bad as their more brightly colored cousins.

Location : Bemidji, MN
Number of posts : 2896

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detritus CUC Empty Re: detritus CUC

Post by t-bass Mon May 31, 2010 8:31 am

blennieluvr wrote:Those ones can emit toxins, I believe. They're just not as bad as their more brightly colored cousins.
Cool, I should have read link more carefully

Location : Bigfork,MN
Number of posts : 57
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detritus CUC Empty Re: detritus CUC

Post by t-bass Thu Jun 17, 2010 10:40 pm

blennieluvr wrote:
danreefs wrote:What about a http://www.bluezooaquatics.com/productDetail.asp?did=2&pid=1090&cid=76 Jake at DA tells me thay rock.

I am leaning toward trying one of these actually. I'm hoping that it won't slowly strip my sandbed and die off like my sand sifting star did. Anyone have any experience with them that can tell me if that is a concern? Will need to be especially careful acclimating.
How is your cuc doing? I joined The cuc club myself. Picked one up from Cosmic Aquatics last weekend for 10 bucks. Mine seems to be doing well pilings up clean little sand turds all over the place. Interesting animal detritus CUC Icon_smile

Location : Bigfork,MN
Number of posts : 57
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detritus CUC Empty Re: detritus CUC

Post by blennieluvr Thu Jun 17, 2010 11:15 pm

Mine is still alive. It's hard to tell if it's thriving. Can't tell if it eats. It isn't smaller though which I read was a bad sign and it's on the move. I'm hoping for the best still. Thanks for asking.

Location : Bemidji, MN
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detritus CUC Empty Re: detritus CUC

Post by orange bam bams Thu Jun 17, 2010 11:26 pm

it would be kool if it pulled through !
orange bam bams
orange bam bams
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