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Wanting to add invert, but what one?

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Wanting to add invert, but what one?   Empty Wanting to add invert, but what one?

Post by GoingPostal Sat Apr 23, 2011 4:06 pm

Looking for something cool to look at, but that won't bother the corals and whatnot for my nano, I need something else in there for activity but don't really want to add more fish. I was thinking maybe a little anemone shrimp or porcelain crab, maybe both, I've had sexy shrimp before and liked how cute and little they were, but want something different. Don't really want a large shrimp, although I do like the blood red shrimp and never had one. Any cool reef safe hermits or snails with neat shells that would work?

Location : Int'l Falls, MN
Number of posts : 1479
Age : 38

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Wanting to add invert, but what one?   Empty Re: Wanting to add invert, but what one?

Post by mpedersen Sat Apr 23, 2011 11:42 pm

Porcelain Crabs from FL get my vote. They're a lot of fun and very robust.
Lion Fish
Lion Fish

Location : Duluth, MN
Number of posts : 399

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Wanting to add invert, but what one?   Empty Re: Wanting to add invert, but what one?

Post by blennieluvr Wed May 18, 2011 10:56 am

OK. My turn. I want to add something new and different. Was thinking of a tiger cowrie. Anyone ever tried these?

GP - Did you get the porcelain crab?

Location : Bemidji, MN
Number of posts : 2896

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Wanting to add invert, but what one?   Empty Re: Wanting to add invert, but what one?

Post by HSCmember Wed May 18, 2011 9:22 pm

Did you see the post from HSC that they want to order?
Great White
Great White

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Wanting to add invert, but what one?   Empty Re: Wanting to add invert, but what one?

Post by GoingPostal Wed May 18, 2011 11:58 pm

No I haven't added anything yet, divers den has had some cool inverts lately but kind of broke so holding off.

Location : Int'l Falls, MN
Number of posts : 1479
Age : 38

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Wanting to add invert, but what one?   Empty Re: Wanting to add invert, but what one?

Post by blennieluvr Thu May 19, 2011 9:13 am

Yeah. I got the HSC in and we have enough for no shipping now too. Now, just to finalize what we want and I'm putting the order in Friday but not having delivered until next week.

Location : Bemidji, MN
Number of posts : 2896

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Wanting to add invert, but what one?   Empty Re: Wanting to add invert, but what one?

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