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Aiptasia control- another article from CORAL

Mn. reef crzy
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Aiptasia control- another article from CORAL Empty Aiptasia control- another article from CORAL

Post by HSCmember Wed Feb 03, 2010 10:18 pm

Tahiti Butterflyfish

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Chaetodon trichrous - Günther, 1874
Tahiti Butterflyfish

Aiptasia control- another article from CORAL Chaetodon_trichrous
A hardy species that will eat Aiptasia anemones. Scott W. Michael

[edit] Overview

This a durable, easy to keep aquarium fish that is credited by some aquarists as an excellent biocontrol for nuisance Aiptasia or glass anemones. It is related to Klein's Butterflyfish, another species that is widespread in the Indo-Pacific and commonly available. Both can be recommended for beginning marine aquarists.

Family: Chaetodontidae

Other common name(s):

  • Tahitian Butterflyfish

Native range:

  • South Pacific Ocean
  • Society Islands
  • Marquesas Islands
  • Tuamotu Islands

Habitat: The Tahiti Butterflyfish is found at depths of 3 to 25 m (10 to 80 ft) on outer reef faces and fore-reef slopes, as well as on lagoonal patch reefs, where it may be seen in pairs, singly, or aggregations of four to six fish.
Maximum length: 12 cm (5 in)

Minimum aquarium size: 208 L (55 gal)

Water: Marine 24 °C (297 K, 75 °F) - 28 °C (301 K, 82 °F)
General swimming level: All levels.

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[edit] Feeding

Carnivorous, feeding aggressively on zooplankton in the water column. Offer a varied diet of Mysid shrimp, enriched adult brine shrimp, reef plankton, and color-enhancing flake foods. Will also graze hard substrates in search of small benthic invertebrates such as amphipods.
[edit] Aquarium Compatibility

This is generally peaceful community fish. Keep singly unless you can find a pair or have a large system. Males are larger than females.
Once accliamated, this fish will attack Aiptasia until it is eradicated. However, it may also graze on coral polyps, feather duster worms, or ornamental anemones. Keeping it well-fed with zooplankton may help to discourage undesirable grazing.
[edit] Breeding/Propagation

Not recorded. Pelagic eggs and larvae.
[edit] Notes

Other butterflyfishes known to graze effectively on [[Aiptasi]] include the Copperband Butterflyfish, Raccoon Butterflyfish, and Auriga Butterflyfish.
According to Dr. John E. Randall, this species is known as Paraharaha in the native language of Tahiti. [1]
Reference: Reef Fishes Volume 3

Great White
Great White

Location : Bemidji
Number of posts : 560

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Aiptasia control- another article from CORAL Empty Re: Aiptasia control- another article from CORAL

Post by Mn. reef crzy Thu Feb 04, 2010 2:52 pm

They eat coral

Mn. reef crzy

Location : Grand Rapids, MN
Number of posts : 1169
Age : 42

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Aiptasia control- another article from CORAL Empty Re: Aiptasia control- another article from CORAL

Post by Nannook Thu Feb 04, 2010 9:19 pm

Whoa but is he pretty! {drool} I want one!!!
Lion Fish
Lion Fish

Location : Weatherford Texas, but my heart in in Duluth
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Aiptasia control- another article from CORAL Empty Re: Aiptasia control- another article from CORAL

Post by danreefs Thu Feb 04, 2010 10:01 pm

Mn. reef crzy wrote:They eat coral

Hehe thats why thay like Aiptasia
Great White
Great White

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Aiptasia control- another article from CORAL Empty Re: Aiptasia control- another article from CORAL

Post by Mn. reef crzy Fri Feb 05, 2010 12:16 pm

Yeah. I am not one to talk cause I have angels with sps and I assure you my copperband picks on my lps. I like pretty fish and allow picking as long as they don't destroy to much

Mn. reef crzy

Location : Grand Rapids, MN
Number of posts : 1169
Age : 42

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Aiptasia control- another article from CORAL Empty Re: Aiptasia control- another article from CORAL

Post by mpedersen Fri Feb 05, 2010 12:43 pm

Let's not forget the Bristletail Filefish Wink

I've also heard of people using Klien's Butterflies and even Racoon's for Aiptasia control.

It might be wise to consider holding live rock with fish like these that will take 'em out before they're a real problem....could be part of the "curing" process...

Lion Fish
Lion Fish

Location : Duluth, MN
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Aiptasia control- another article from CORAL Empty Re: Aiptasia control- another article from CORAL

Post by Mn. reef crzy Fri Feb 05, 2010 12:51 pm

Aptasia is inevitable, I have recently heard that nudibrancs are good for aptasia removal i think it was burghi

Mn. reef crzy

Location : Grand Rapids, MN
Number of posts : 1169
Age : 42

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Aiptasia control- another article from CORAL Empty Re: Aiptasia control- another article from CORAL

Post by cdness Fri Feb 05, 2010 1:52 pm

The hard part with berghia is you need a place for them to go once your Aiptasia is taken care of. If you don't they will just die off. If you know a few people willing to go in on a "traveling" berghia clan that would be best. Use them in one tank until the aiptasia is gone, then let someone else have them for a bit... unfortunately the list needs to be pretty long, otherwise they will just die off anyway...

The same goes for any other animal purchased for taking care of a pest. If they are not trained to eat other stuff they will just die off sooner or later. It is better to just kill the aiptasia with kalk paste or make sure you have a new home or are willing to train the animal to another food source when the aiptasia is gone...
Great White
Great White

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Aiptasia control- another article from CORAL Empty Re: Aiptasia control- another article from CORAL

Post by danreefs Fri Feb 05, 2010 4:58 pm

Right here is what i used to kill my aptasia. He did it in 2 weeks Aiptasia control- another article from CORAL 818842

Great White
Great White

Location : brainerd
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Aiptasia control- another article from CORAL Empty Re: Aiptasia control- another article from CORAL

Post by Nannook Fri Feb 05, 2010 5:46 pm

Right Dan: my peppermint has a nice big aptasia that he lives beside waaaaay down behind my foundation rock. Stupid shrimps!!!! Aptasia X worked the best for me. But I have used nearly the whole bottle now.
Lion Fish
Lion Fish

Location : Weatherford Texas, but my heart in in Duluth
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Aiptasia control- another article from CORAL Empty Re: Aiptasia control- another article from CORAL

Post by nano Fri Feb 05, 2010 11:55 pm

Ive just read an artical on peppermint shrimp and aiptasia control. That they are great for controlling it. In numbers meaning 2 shrimps one will sit and munch on it but two will actully eat and kill it. because that they are trying to get as much as possible before the other


Location : Grand Forks ND
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Age : 42

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Aiptasia control- another article from CORAL Empty Re: Aiptasia control- another article from CORAL

Post by HSCmember Fri Feb 05, 2010 11:57 pm

Nannook wrote:Right Dan: my peppermint has a nice big aptasia that he lives beside waaaaay down behind my foundation rock. Stupid shrimps!!!! Aptasia X worked the best for me. But I have used nearly the whole bottle now.

Sounds like you need another shrimp to get some motivation going. Aiptasia control- another article from CORAL Lol
Great White
Great White

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Aiptasia control- another article from CORAL Empty peppermint shrimp

Post by Reefer Sat Feb 06, 2010 12:45 pm

I have two peppermint shrimp in my tank. They have been there for about a week or so. They haven't touched my aptasia. I find them in the sump tank more then they are in the main tank.


Location : Fargo,nd
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Aiptasia control- another article from CORAL Empty Re: Aiptasia control- another article from CORAL

Post by danreefs Sat Feb 06, 2010 1:27 pm

Reefer wrote:I have two peppermint shrimp in my tank. They have been there for about a week or so. They haven't touched my aptasia. I find them in the sump tank more then they are in the main tank.
Give them time it take 2-3 weeks befor my shrimp touched the aptasia.
Great White
Great White

Location : brainerd
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Aiptasia control- another article from CORAL Empty Re: Aiptasia control- another article from CORAL

Post by obsessed Sat Feb 06, 2010 2:17 pm

wow..it only took mine about 2 days! no more aptasia! Aiptasia control- another article from CORAL 313206

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Aiptasia control- another article from CORAL Empty Re: Aiptasia control- another article from CORAL

Post by HSCmember Sat Feb 06, 2010 7:47 pm

Maybe we could borrow your shrimp for a few days? I'd hate to buy one like Reefer's.

HSC tank has quite a bit.
Great White
Great White

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Aiptasia control- another article from CORAL Empty Re: Aiptasia control- another article from CORAL

Post by obsessed Sat Feb 06, 2010 10:24 pm

If I can catch them sometime when I'm heading up there I would be glad to loan them to you.

Location : Sebeka
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